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Why Invest in Property Secured Debt?

By August 23, 2020September 24th, 2020No Comments

Property secured debt has traditionally been bound to the banks.  The current regulatory environment however has caused a departure and for borrowers, the non-bank lending market is taking form as a genuine funding alternative and for investors, an investment grade asset class. 

Investment in property secured debt generally offers lower risk compared to other fixed interest investments and to investing in direct real estate, due to the substantial asset backing, senior first mortgage security and buffered exposure to economic and property cycles, particularly for short term situations that Gemi focuses on. 

At Gemi, we have specialised in secured, short term property backed debt investments since 2000 and a track record of delivering strong risk-adjusted investment returns, monthly cash distributions and capital preservation with no investor ever experiencing a loss.  To hear more about Gemi and our recent investments click here